Dear Community,
How was your 2020?
We know, this has been a really uncertain year for all of us. Going through the COVID-19 pandemic has been hard. We all have to adjust to some new reality. Reality, which has proven to include cryptocurrencies at its core, as last year we got back on track. Numerous important developments regarding crypto and blockchain had taken place. DeFi projects returned the focus on crypto again, with huge investment volumes coming right into various DeFi projects. As seasoned payment processor PayPal allowed customers to buy, sell and hold main cryptos on their platform, the adoption is as high as ever.
We started off this year by contributing our efforts in lobbying the Latvian Prospectus Exception Amendment, which allows Latvian companies to raise up to EUR 3m without a prospectus. Some time later, we saw similar developments taking place in the U.S.
Moving forward, the pandemic hit hard, so we thought about how can tokenisation contribute to businesses in distress. We created yet another educational material for those, who started looking into this alternative financing option – tokenisation. Our efforts didn’t end there – our Managing Director Liza Aizupiete contributed an article to the Bank of Latvia about the same topic, as well as participated in “Money and public security” conference shortly after. She also will be participating in 9th ECN Crowdfunding convention – welcome to listen in for free here.
So what have our efforts led up to?
Shortly after the above-mentioned conference, we finally announced the first tokensation project of Fintelum – an equity-token offering of KEEPP, a short term self storage business based in Latvia. The team is looking for injection of capital for expansion of an already existing business.
Given the amount of news and Christmas coming up, we, together with our friends at CoinPlus decided to do another round of CoinPlus card giveaway!
However, to celebrate this years launch of we want to take things up a notch –
This year, we will be giving away 40 Ethereum CoinPlus Pre-Launch Edition Solo cards, with three cards pre-filled with USD 100; USD 50 and USD 25 worth of ether, respectively.
We invite you to participate in THREE of our campaigns, with the following requirements:
Facebook campaign
1) like and follow our page;
2) share the giveaway post;
Twitter campaign
1) follow our Twitter account;
2) retweet the giveaway tweet;
LinkedIn campaign
1) follow our page;
2) share our giveaway post;
Lastly, don’t forget to register in PRO.FINTELUM.COM and contact us through support to let us know in which campaign you’re participating.
We will draw the lucky 40 owners of cards and ETH on Friday 15 January 2021. Participation in multiple campaigns will increase the odds of winning.
Good luck in the New Year and we wish you peaceful and safe celebrations!
Disclaimer: Neither Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn endorses, administrates or is associated with this promotional campaign.